About Miss Emilee ECE

Miss Emilee and her son
Miss Emilee and family
Miss Emilee and son

Miss Emilee ECE (early childhood education) is a combination of parent support and early education by offering parent-child classes for families with children under 5 in the Berkshires. After 15 years of working in formal education as both an EEC certified teacher and non-profit family support professional, the childcare crisis affected founder Miss Emilee forcing her out of the traditional workforce. With her profound passion for early childhood education, Miss Emilee ECE emerged.

Her enrichment classes serve as a child’s play-based learning guide. The basis –recreate activities that can be recreated in a social environment. Through non-judgmental guidance, parents will learn the why behind the simple activities and feel confident in taking the reins in their child’s learning. Not only do the enrichment classes benefit children, but they are designed to create and foster connections between parents. Parenting is hard but can be eased when done together.

When Miss Emilee isn’t writing class curriculum, she can be found creating. Some days she draws robots with her two-year-old, other days she customizes exceptionally unique and naturally dyed wooden toys to sell in her shop. No two days of creativity ever look the same. They are always powered by Taylor Swift though.

Growing up outside of Boston, she dreamed of being a stay-at-home mom in the suburbs just like her mom. She would fill her days with Target runs and social outings - the perfectly curated life. Everything changed when the pandemic hit right as she gave birth to her son. At that point, she finally comprehended how to fully support parents during a delicate and beautiful part of their children's lives. She couldn’t just stop working with others.

Now she has a different work-home life from most people, but she wouldn’t trade this version of being a stay-at-home mom for anything.

Miss Emilee

in the news

10 Ways to Get Away from those Screens for National Unplugging Day

Spotlight on Miss Emilee ECE (Early Child Educator)

How to grow a local community with Emilee